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You are the
Sacred Sexual Soul
We are in the time of the Human Inner Evolution, and you're part of it just by showing up here now.  
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The Sacred Sexual Soul is Your Ultimate Best Self Who is Deeply Connected to Spirit, Pleasure, and Joy.

They feel ALIVE & connected to themselves, bringing a deep sense of appreciation to their life & their body. 

Their superpower is, they transmute pain into pleasure. 

Within you lives a sacred sexual soul, ready to unravel a new chapter of pleasure, to relish in the gift of life. 

For the warrior who embraces sitting with the uncomfortable moments for the ultimate gift of deep healing, massive breakthroughs, pure pleasure, & personal expansion. 

This next doorway is for you!
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The Sacred Sexual Soul Series

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You are the first wave in a new Sexual Evolution. 
One that doesn’t define pleasure for you.
One that unbinds from societal ideas of what it means to own your pleasure. 
One that allows for a new era of absolute empowerment, greater creativity, & safety to express. 

I know you might feel like you have no one to talk to about what you're going through. 
You can’t get out of your head which leads you to feeling guilty & then you start to feel like sex is a chore… or all you want to do is connect with your partner but it feels like there is so much distance between you two.

You want to experience pleasure, a deep connection, and you have been feeling a pull to tantric and erotic healing practices. 

Quickie sex culture has told us that the end result is what matters, & that’s like eating junk food…. enjoyable & easy, but if you’re only filling yourself with junk food you’re not going to feel good.
"This is so much more than orgasms and better sex. It was that for sure! Also, everything in my life changed. I now ask for what I need, and don't feel guilty or shame around asking.  I share and hold my boundaries. I experience pleasure everyday for pleasure's sake."
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Sacred Sexual Soul Student
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It's Time
You're ready

Time to dive into a pleasurable life where sex brings you into an intimate experience that has you bursting at the seams, energized and fully ALIVE. A full on, 5 star 4 course meal. 

To know how powerful sex is, how powerful you are
A divine soul. 

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Nora Costello shares her experience 

This is a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure sacred sex series.
You'll learn how to access pleasure and expansion for any body and any gender. 

Our bodies are built for pleasure.
The path of the sacred sexual soul is for any human that wants ease with their healing and expansion.  They want to experience joy and pleasure in their everyday life while feeling connected.  To feel connected not only to their body, their Higher Self, and Spirit, but also feel powerful connections to others.

Imagine looking at your body in the mirror and not feeling the years and life has betrayed you.  To look at your body, the same body you had yesterday, yet you feel so much appreciation, gratitude, and love for.

It doesn’t require you take a magic pill, or eat a certain way or exercises all day.

No, you’re falling in love with your body, you’re using pleasure to heal and love your body.  You’re finding space to sit with yourself, and allow what is holding you back to be released so that you can live in alignment with your highest self.

You feel powerful in your body.  You know nothing has changed besides strengthening your connection with Spirit and your body.  

Imagine discovering new ways to experience pleasure in your body and after a full pleasure session with yourself, feeling your whole body vibrating and your mind flowing with creativity.  

Imagine knowing how to heal yourself using pleasure. 
Imagine knowing how to touch your partner in a way that will make them weak in the knees. Supporting them accessing not only healing energy, but deep connection and intimacy you both crave. 

"You're in my head Dorothy!  I hear your voice saying, "What's going to make you feel more pleasure in this moment' and then I did something for myself I wouldn't have done before.  And I felt so good, and so much pleasure! I'm so glad I'm part of this sacred circle.  It's changed everything for me."
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Sacred Sexual Soul Student
What you'll gain
 - Creating a Sacred Space 

- Foundations of pleasure

- 60+ pleasure techniques for female genitals plus the 30 plus ways females can experience an orgasm

-20+ pleasure techniques for males, plus the seven different ways for a male to experience an orgasm

-Guidance for pleasure expansion for all bodies and genders. 

 - Foundations of Spirit for connection and embodiment.

 - Using Pleasure for healing, creativity, and expansion

 - Full Pleasure Practice that caters to your body, needs and desires.

-Partner Pleasure Practices and support

 - Deeper meaning

The Complete series is worth over $10,000!  But this isn't the price you'll pay for the series or live sessions.

You have two options for joining... Join just the online series or join the online series as well as the live sessions. 
Join the Online series & the Yearly Live Circles
You have access for the lifetime of the Online series  for only $1111
(Pay in full and receive a 1 to 1 session with Dorothy, as well as extra bonuses!)

or join for budget friendly 12 payments of $99

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Hi I'm Dorothy
After experiencing sexual trauma as a child and teenager, I checked out of my body.  I was afraid to connect with my partner, to be vulnerable.  I used to only be able to have sex if I had been on some form of mind alternating substance.  I didn’t want to sit with myself or my body.  

When I realized I couldn’t live this way and I didn’t want to live this way, I shifted my life towards love.  

I began loving myself unapologetically.  I was ruthless who I let into my energetic field.  I also followed love.  If I felt love for it, I followed the love down a rabbit hole.  Which lead me to researching and studying love, sex and relationships.  

I began writing about sex and relationships.  I found that so many people wanted to talk about sex, but felt uncomfortable.  Sex is a taboo subject.  Why?  

Sex is so powerful and our bodies are built for pleasure.  Most of us want to feel the physical connection.  

"Ok, so I did that thing you told me to do, and it was fireworks!  It was awkward at first because I have to give myself permission to receive, but then I relaxed into it.  Every tip, every bit of wisdom you have shared has transformed how I look at my body, my sexual experiences, and how I experience pleasure in my body.  Not only that, but the relationship with my partner has completely changed."
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Sacred Sexual Soul Student
The Sacred Sexual Soul Series Bonuses 
Bonuses are worth $3787
Nantucket Love School Membership
You'll receive three months of the Nantucket Love School Membership. This is a student favorite because you'll have access to $1000s of dollars worth of courses and workshops for love, relationships, and developing your intuition. 
Orgasmic Breathing
Mini Workshop
Ready for your body to vibrate by just using your breath? The Orgasmic Breathing Mini workshop will guide you to access pleasure in your body through your breath. it's super power and transformational.  
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Pay in full and receive a 1 to 1 session with Dorothy
First Session - Opening Ceremony and creating a sacred space. 
We will doing a grounding meditation, a clearing and healing so that we are receptive for our intentions in the coming weeks, Because where intention goes, energy flows.
We will also have time for channeled messages from Spirit.

Each individual circle/group will decide on working agreements for safety and creating a sacred space for the live sessions.
We will also go over how to create a sacred space within our bodies, and our homes.
 Second Session - Pleasure & Spirit Foundation 

We will go over the basic self-massage techniques for pleasure, as well as the basics for accessing pleasure. Some of which are not taught in high school sex educational classes.  You'll learn more about your body and how to access pleasure.

We will learn more about how our bodies access Spirit for creativity, expansion, healing, and pleasure.
You'll walk about from this session with the ability to host for yourself a mini pleasure practice for embodiment and connection.

Third Session - Next Level Pleasure
We are going to dive into the 20+ different ways for us to experience an orgasm...Hint, your whole body is a sex organ and you'll be able to access this after today's session.
Fourth Session - Wand & Breathwork
We will be adding in wand and breath-work for pleasure and deeper healing and expansion, as well as combining the full self-massage technique's. If you're ready for your body to vibrate, and have an out of body experience then this session you won't want to miss.
Fifth Session - Partner Practices
You'll learn how to connect, communicate, and expand with your partner through non-sexual and sexual partner practices. This has been the most requested session.
Sixth Session - Going Deeper
We are going to the next level here, as well as answering any questions that pop up. Ask any question on your mind. Nothing is off limits. And by the time we get here, you'll have questions and things to celebrate as well!
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Live Sessions are only once a year for each gender circle; Woman, Men's and Gender Diverse.
What students have said
"I felt I was able to be completely myself, ask questions, get answers, and also have direction.
One of the best parts of joining has been the people I have connected with.  I really wanted to meet people like this and not feel alone."

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Sacred Sexual Soul Series Student
"While in Bali, I was at a retreat and a healer was giving yoni massages but didn't have time to fit me in.  I've been wanting a yoni massage for years since, and when we began to learn the different massage techniques I realized I could give myself a yoni massage. This was very empowering, it felt full circle.  It was like that saying, "teach a man to fish." I felt you taught me a skill I'll be able to use for my whole life."
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Sacred Sexual Soul Series Student
 - Featured in - 
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FAQ...aka Frequently
Asked Questions
How is the series set up?

The series is a choose your own adventure.  I highly suggest going through the series in order once, and then decide where you want to spend extra time and study.  All genitals are included in instruction.

I've experienced trauma from the religious group I was part of, does this circle have any religious ties?
No, The series does not have a religious affiliation.  One's faith is personal journey.  Dorothy has a Catholic background and still goes to church, but  she doesn't agree with a lot of the church. She believes faith freedom, and to always be questioning one's faith.  She's a firm believer it's very important for people to explore their faith and that its a personal experience and journey.

Dorothy's mother used to say, "Faith is caught not taught."

Within the series we talk about Spirit.  This really is about that there is a higher power.  Some people say Universe, some people say God, Some say Source, etc.

The series is really about your own experience.  Dorothy will share information and education, but this is one part of the journey, and she doesn't have all the answers.  The rest is yours and the series gives space for you to be you and show up with your own beliefs and values.

In fact, this adds so much value when people come to with different viewpoints and ideas.

The circle sounds amazing, but I don't feel comfortable with being with others because the topic is so personal and feels way too vulnerable.  What do you suggest? 

In past circles, there are students that just watch the replays and don't come to the live circles as well as students that come to the live circles don't have their video on and use a different name. This allows for more privacy, and when a student feels ready or wants to they can join the live circles at any time.

Also, part of the series is to honor boundaries and where someone is at on their journey.

One of the first sessions we create a safe space to learn by coming up with our own working agreements as a circle.  Part of past circle agreements is what is said in the circle stays in the circle.  Safety is very important because we are sharing parts of ourselves and we need to know the space is sacred and safe for all.  We strive for this.
I'm a man, and I think my wife would really love to be in circle and series.  What do you suggest? 
You both should join!  You'll be able to do the work for your self and then you'll also be able to support her if she wants to access the education and information as well.
For being part of the live sessions, each person needs to have their own individual spot within the series.
In the description of the sessions you mention that one session will go over the 20+ ways for massage and pleasure, but on social media you mention there are over 50 ways for massage and pleasure.  Will you go over all 50? 
Yes! For men, there are over 20+ techniques for massage, and for women there are over 50 different techniques for massage.

 I say 20+ because I don't want to overwhelm as well as I want to overdeliver.  There are over 30 plus ways to experience an orgasm.  Most of which don't include the genitalia.  So those that have never experienced an orgasm before there is a great chance the way this person would experience pleasure or an orgasm might look differently than the typical, societal standard of how one reaches an orgasm.  Ie; vaginally or clitorial.
I strive to support students with pleasure and my hope is that students leave the circle each week not only learning something new but feeling like they are getting more for their money.  That this was the best investment they have ever made on themselves.  That's my goal and hope! 
I have never experienced an orgasm and think I'm just not built that way, how will this benefit me? 
Yes, this course may benefit you greatly!  studies show that 5% of women are not able to orgasm but more importantly than that, I'm not sure how the studies are gaging this, because many women don't know how to activate their pleasure centers.  This circle you'll learn how to activate your pleasure centers.
So even if you have never experienced an orgasm, and perhaps your body isn't built for an orgasm as you say, you'll still be able to unblock, unlock, and unbind yourself sexually to experience more pleasure.
FYI. The circle has included students in the past that were not able to experience an orgasm and through this circle and what they learned they were able to!  There is hope for sure.
What is your guarentee and are there refunds? 
I cannot guarantee anything.  This circle I share education and experience, but it's always the student that does the work.  Sometimes the work is not overnight or even completed by the end of the eight weeks.  Sometimes, the work takes longer than expected.  I do believe if you keep at the practices you will learn inside the circle, you'll experience great transformation.  I've been it before!  It's truly magical the shifts one can make with these practices.

There are also no refunds, Because this is information past on that a student can do with what they like, it's important to honor the energy exchange.  I show up for you and I expect you to show up when you're ready and able to.  If you're not able to join a circle that you signed up for, please reach out and you can join another circle in the future.
Who is the Sacred Sexual Soul Series not for? 
 We talk about a higher power inside the series and part of the pleasure practice we do call upon a higher power.  If spirituality is triggering or activating for you or you don't believe in a higher power, this probably isn't the best circle for you.

If you are still very new on your healing journey after experiencing trauma.  We share many tools inside the sacred sexual women's circle that are supportive for healing after experiencing trauma, but this isn't the only tool one would want to use.  Specific spaces such as therapy, group therapy, and other healing modalities are important on one's healing journey.  If you have experienced trauma, but have never been to therapy or done any healing work around the trauma, this may not be the circle for you because this isn't a therapy group.  This is an educational circle.  Which is very supportive and aids in healing but is not the only healing modality or a therapy group. We most certainly do share and hold space for each other as we navigate these healing waters.
How much time will I need to put in? 
That is up to you. This is a choose your own adventure.  We have seen students that put in the 10 minutes a day to hours.  As well as students that only show up to the live yearly circles.  Put in as little or as much time as you can.  The most important thing is to listen to your intuition and be honest with yourself.
When we are hosting the live sessions once a year, this will be an hour to an hour and a half each week.  Highly suggest making space in your schedule for this.
I'm a man and I want to join.  Is this for women only?
The Sacred Sexual Soul Series is for all bodies.  So yes, you can join too!  Inside the series I go over all bodies and genders.  So you're included as well, and you'll benefit greatly. 
What do students wish they knew before joining? 
Great question!  Students have said they wished they knew what they learned when they were growing up.  They wished they knew that this is more than just pleasure, orgasms or sex.  It's also about how everything is connected and this work will effect their whole life.  They wished they started sooner. And for some students they wished they made the work more a priority because of the changes they did see when they started dedicating more to the pleasure practices.

For some students, they wish they knew more about Spirit and intuitive abilities before beginning, but this is something we can learn and develop along the way.
Payment Options
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Pay in full $1111 and receive an extra 1 to 1 session with Dorothy
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12 easy payments of  $99
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