Calling in your soulmate
First we call your soulmate in, then we focus on self-love and pleasure so you're ready for your partner. 
Calling in your soulmate guided meditation: This simple channeled meditation will support you experiencing your soulmates energy as well as connect your energies together so that you two come together sooner rather than later. 
Self-love practices:

Preparing for our soulmate is all about loving and appreciating ourselves.  You'll be guided through foundational breath-work and mediations that support loving and appreciating your body, mind, and soul. 

Pleasure Practices: You'll learn pleasure practices as well as how to create your own pleasure practice for deeper pleasure in and out of the bedroom.  You'll learn the four basic massage strokes for pleasure.  These pleasure practices will prepare you for when you and your soulmate are looking for a deeper physical connection to each other.
Each practice is powerful on it's own, but together they support you releasing past exes, connect with your soulmate, and prepare you for your soulmate when they do arrive.  Plus, self-love practices that support you feeling embodiment and appreciation for yourself. 
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Hi I'm Dorothy
After experiencing sexual trauma as a child and teenager, I checked out of my body.  I was afraid to connect with my partner, to be vulnerable.  I used to only be able to have sex if I had been on some form of mind alternating substance.  I didn’t want to sit with myself or my body.  

When I realized I couldn’t live this way and I didn’t want to live this way, I shifted my life towards love.  

I began loving myself unapologetically.  I was ruthless who I let into my energetic field.  I also followed love.  If I felt love for it, I followed the love down a rabbit hole.  Which lead me to researching and studying love, sex and relationships.  

I began writing about sex and relationships.  I found that so many people wanted to talk about sex, but felt uncomfortable.  Sex is a taboo subject.  Why?  

Sex is so powerful and our bodies are built for pleasure.  Most of us want to feel the physical connection.  

The practices combined
Worth $608
The Pleasure Price $33!
Calling in your soulmate is all about energetics!
Aligning your energies together.  You'll experience their energy, have a clearer picture of the next steps to follow to bring you two closer together.

Also, incredible self-love practices that includes a guided meditation for yourself being your soulmate, and the Pleasure 101 course is for those that want to feel more pleasure in their bodies, their lives, and feel embodiment, but also a connection with Spirit.

All of these practices combine allow you to be in alignment with your soulmate, access self-love, and pleasure.

More access to pleasure focused, life-changing practices!

Everyone deserves to feel good in their bodies, and feel appreciation for their body.  Calling in your soulmate gives you the tools to do just this while energetically connecting to your soulmate.
Join Now for $33
What's inside Calling in your soulmate
Guided Meditation to energetically connect with your soulmate
Guided Meditation for connecting with your higher self
Guided Meditation for deepening the bond of a current partner
Foundational Breathwork for self-love, connection and pleasure
Foundational Meditation for embodiment and pleasure
Pleasure Practices including the four basic pleasure massage strokes
How does Calling in your soulmate work?

  • When we are looking to invite our soulmate or a soulmate into our lives, we can energetically connect with them.  I will guide you through different practices for connecting with yourself, as well as self-love practices, and pleasure practices for greater connection to yourself, your partner, and Spirit. 
When it comes to the pleasure practices, are they for all bodies?  

  • All sexes and all bodies...Woop!  Woop!
Will this guide support me if I struggle with orgasming or If I have never experienced an orgasm?

  • Yes!  The pleasure practices takes orgasming off the table and focusing on pleasure.  Which, as it happens, supports you with experiencing more pleasure! Also, the practices included in this course are great for those that struggle with pleasure and struggle with orgasms because they will support you accessing pleasure through different pleasure avenues.  
I orgasm just fine, what I am looking for is connection and embodiment.  Will this guide help me with this?

  • Yes!  This course is very supportive for those that want to experience more connection and embodiment because the practices are no longer superficial or goal oriented, which much of the sexual experiences in our world right now are based on.  The meditation will support embodiment.  The Pleasure exercise will support connection and embodiment, as well as the breath-work, and the foundational pleasure strokes. 
Is this religious based?

  • No, this is not religious based.  Combining pleasure and Spirit can be a Spiritual practice with no connection to a religion, or can be used in conjunction with one's faith. 
Is this tantra?

  • No, this is not tantra.  The practices being used are a combination of studies and education I have been diving into for over a decade.  This does include parts of my yoga training from India.  Tantra is a form of yoga.  I combine research based practices as well as meditation, breath-work, and yoga practices.
Is this just for singles?

  • No, actually this is for individuals that are looking for a deeper connection.  Inside Calling in your soulmate there is also a guided meditation to bring you and your partner energetically together.  It's called, Calling in your soulmate when you're are already with your partner.  The meditation guides you to through steps that allow your energies to come together, create a safe space for sharing and being vulnerable, and connected for deeper passion.    We dive into more partner practices inside the Sacred Sexual Soul Series.  
What is your refund policy?

  • We don't do refunds.  If you find you have a challenge or perhaps an expectation that wasn't met, please reach out to Dorothy via email, 
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Calling in your soulmate
First we call your soulmate in, then we focus on self-love and pleasure so you're ready for your partner. 
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